Welcome to Our Elderberry Journey!

Hey there, wonderful community! I’m Samara Price, the heart and soul behind Brew Naturals, nestled in the beautiful hills of Western North Carolina. If we haven’t met yet, I’m so glad you’re here!
My love affair with elderberries began when I moved to Asheville in 2011. Back then, I was all about connecting my passion for healthy, nutritious food with our vibrant community, starting with a roving concession bus I took to local events peddling "local, organic, vegan, paleo, gluten free, artificial flavor/color/preservative free snacks, drinks, and frozen treat options". My hubby called it the "hippie snack food" truck. That adventure was a ton of fun, but what I noticed was that folks overwhelmingly wanted the few menu items I was making with my elderberry syrup. They wanted the popsicles, sodas, lemonade, tea, and cider as much, if not more, than they wanted the other brands I was carrying. This led me to the question that built my brand: Why on Earth do most other elderberry companies die on the hill of "elderberry-as-supplement" when there is clearly a renewed interest in "elderberry-as-food"? Truly I do not have an answer to that question, but I will proudly own that this is one angle that sets my brand apart.
The reputation of elderberry is strong. If you know just one thing, you know these are tiny powerhouses of wellness. Packed with Vitamin C, antioxidants, and antiviral goodies, they’ve been cherished for centuries, even by Hippocrates, who called them “nature’s medicine chest.” But did you know they also have a long history as a food source? Appalachian grandmothers have been using elderberry in tea, pie, wine, muffins, cordials, jams and jellies for as long as people have been on this soil. They clearly valued them beyond their medicinal potential and I am here to reanimate that conversation!
At Brew Naturals, we’re all about crafting gourmet elderberry products that are all-natural, full of flavor, and good for you. Our farm-to-bottle creations showcase the amazing versatility of elderberries, and we’ve got some super simple and yummy recipes to help you enjoy them.
Outside of the kitchen, I’m all about building community and fostering connections. Life’s a journey we’re all on together, and I’m here to make it a bit sweeter. When I’m not brewing up elderberry delights, I’m a wife to a talented musician and IT professional and a mom to two awesome boys (teaching my eldest to drive has been an adventure!). Plus, I’m the proud fur mom to two cats and a dog.
You can find our products rotating in attendance at our regional tailgate markets (North Asheville Tailgate, East Asheville Tailgate, and Black Mountain Tailgate), around the region at seasonal street fairs, through various retail partners, and of course through our online shop. And if you’re not local, no worries—we ship anywhere in the lower 48 states.
Thanks for being part of our journey. Whether we’re connecting over elderberry treats, chatting about the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, or swapping pet stories, I’m thrilled to share this path with you. Let’s make every moment count!
Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for updates, recipes, and more insights into our elderberry journey.